God in 3D:
Finding the Trinity in the Bible and the Church Fathers
My new book tackles a famous problem of Christian
thought: where is there any mention of the Trinity in the Bible? Is the concept or the doctrine of the Trinity in the Bible? Does it matter if the Trinity is mentioned in the Bible? Is belief in the Trinity important?
And with it, this question: can we understand
the Trinity? Is there an easy way to understand the Trinity? How can we help someone who says, "I don't understand the Trinity"?
Can we explain Christian belief in the Trinity?
And what about asking: where did belief in the Trinity come from? What might the first century Christians have thought about it?
Understanding the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit deeper is a very Christian thing to do. And we can bring much neglected knowledge to the question. It’s knowledge that helps us to understand what early Christians thought about it.
From the
This book aims to present the clearest
possible information from Scripture, and show that you can understand the Trinity.
It presents the historical evidence that belief in a three-in-one God was always a
Christian understanding of God, from the first. And their
understanding assists ours. It’s very much to do with the Christian idea of
being a “temple of the Holy Spirit.”
Their understanding has not been much
noticed because Christian apologists and theologians have not been looking in
the right place for the origins of belief in the Trinity. Typically, they have
been working backwards from the 4th century Nicene Creed, to look for
the Trinity using the language of the creed. They have not paid enough attention
to the fact that something more ancient, the Hebrew Scriptures, provided the
first Christians with different language for God. Earlier Christians saw a
definitive three-in-one God about which they wrote. That insight was lost over
time: this new book explains how it was lost and how it can be recovered.
This is about an Old Testament type of the
Trinity. It is a model of the Trinity that was known to the New Testament authors
and the early church fathers but has been largely forgotten. It traces a line
from the Old Testament to the New Testament to show how the disciples were
primed by Scripture to believe in the Triune God.
From the
New Testament
An ancient and simple demonstration of the
Trinity goes like this, using the idea of the temple to explain the Trinity. (A temple is a house for a god, where its god can be found living, so to speak.)
This is how it is explained: the temple of the one true God ought to be
dwelled in by the one true God and by no-one else. Okay, but then what? Well,
standard Christian belief is that the “temple” is the church community. And
even individual Christians are temples who say, “My body is a temple of the Holy
Spirit.” If you know that, then you already know the key to what's coming.
So, if the Church is a temple, which God dwells in it? Here’s the thing: the Church is found to
be the dwelling place of God and Christ and Spirit.
Three persons in a temple
that exists for only one God. It is thus difficult to see how they would not
qualify as one God: Father, Son and Spirit in one temple can only be one God. This
is their temple to dwell in, and they are its God. Their act of together indwelling
the temple of the one true God is thus a demonstration of the Trinity, the
three-in-one God of the temple. In the temple of God, we find the triune God.
This sort of word-picture is more in tune with Semitic thought than the abstract thought of philosophers.
That argument was taught by numerous church
fathers, and you can find their quotes in my book: Cyprian, Ambrose, Augustine,
Jerome, Cyril and others. They all knew that argument. This vital information
is lacking from many a book on the Trinity, and my new book remedies that lack of information.
From the
Old Testament
The New Testament was able to develop this
idea from a precedent in the Old Testament, in Solomon's temple. In an even more explicit word-picture, Solomon’s
temple features a Trinity of God, his Name and his Glory. There, we learn of the Name of God, and of the Glory of God. We learn that God sends his Name and his Glory to dwell in Solomon’s temple. “The Name” is dwelling in Solomon’s temple, while “the Glory” is filling the temple. (The support of scholars for these ideas is all included in the book.)
So, in this picture, we find God in heaven; but, in the temple, God's double spiritual presence, known as the Name and the Glory.
So, to see where the Trinity can be found in
the Old Testament, we have to visit Solomon’s temple. The Old Testament type of the
Trinity is shown there, in the divine presence in the Jerusalem temple.
We learn of
God’s presence in the temple in those words used for it: Name and Glory. “God,
his Name and his Glory” are a type of the Trinity, a three-in-one God.
God, his Name and his Glory can only ever be one God: it's his own Name and his own Glory!
From the
Old Testament to the New Testament: putting it together
This lovely picture of the Trinity is shown to be directly carried over into
the New Testament with its knowledge of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Focussed on that pattern of God, his Name and his Glory, the New Testament does this: it attaches the identity of "the Name" to Jesus, and the identity of "the Glory" to the Holy Spirit, while the identity of God in heaven attaches to the Father. My book gives special prominence to the Bible evidence for this.
The early
church made these key connections:
- connecting the church with the temple
- Christ with "the Name" that was dwelling in Solomon’s temple
- and the Holy Spirit with "the Glory" of God that filled Solomon’s temple
It is shown to be no mere coincidence that
the Trinity of God, his Name and his Glory parallels the Trinity of God, his
Son and Spirit.
Remember: in Judaeo-Christian belief, only one
true God exists: and, indeed, God, his Name and his Glory can only ever be one
God. So this is the simple equation:
God + his Name + his Glory = one God
Now, early Christians pinned the identity of
the Name and the Glory on Jesus and the Holy Spirit respectively. The idea of a
temple played its part in how this understanding was carried over. The early
church understood that Christians are temples of Christ and the Spirit.Because the church is a temple of the Trinity, these three are one God:
God + his
Son + his Spirit = one God
One temple for one God. So that is the
Trinity. In the Old Testament: God, his Name and his Glory. In the New
Testament: the Father, the Son and the Spirit. It is the same Trinity. This is
the parallel we discover:
God in heaven hears prayers God the Father in heaven hears prayers
The Name dwells in the temple Christ dwells in the church
The Glory fills the temple The Holy Spirit fills the church
The match is established thoroughly, across multiple points, across Scripture.
God in 3D is the first modern publication to present the evidence for this
account of the Trinity in the Bible. Although its development can be traced
through the Bible and into the early church, no publication to date has pulled
together the elements that enable us to see the Trinity in this fresh light. This
nicely supplements recovering what the early church fathers wrote about the
Trinity being the three-in-one God of the temple.
My book, then, is about God and his Name and his Glory, as
revealed in the Old Testament temple; and about how it is matched to God and his Son and his Spirit as
revealed in the New Testament temple.
This book provides what readers increasingly
want. If you claim that something is in the Bible nowadays, you ought to be
able to place a finger on the page where it is found, to justify that claim. This
book does what it says on the tin: it finds the Trinity in Scripture, not ad
hoc proof-texting with a verse here about Jesus, and a verse there about the
Spirit, but rather by showing that the Trinity is plainly on the page. This is
demonstrated in a way that is easy for the reader to understand, remember and
teach. Where people have doubts about the
Trinity, they tend to want to be able to put their finger on a page of the
Bible and say, “I see a three-in-one God
there!” This book is ground-breaking, delivering exactly that for readers.
God in 3D avoids
the common pitfalls of writing about the Trinity, such as writing off the whole doctrine as beyond
understanding, or dubiously proof-texting from a scripture here or there, or
blinding the reader with philosophy. This new book demonstrates the Trinity from a survey of the Bible,
through the history of the Israelites, the Gospels and the writings of the
early church. Through salvation history.
No recourse is made to typical analogies
for the Trinity. In older books on the subject of the Trinity, the reader is
usually presented with dubious analogies, such as comparing water, ice and
steam. This is all avoided.
Unfortunately, such books also tend to
argue backwards from the standpoint of defending the fourth century creed. What
is more, they tend to weaken their case by asserting that the first Christians had
no awareness of being Trinitarian in any way, shape or form. This is also avoided.
In God in 3D, we discover how the
disciples were primed by the Old Testament and prepared by Jesus to understand
the Triune God in this clear way: as the three-in-one God of the temple.
This avoids treating it as an
incomprehensible mystery. It is accessible to the general reader. A
non-theological vocabulary will do. The book presents this in layman’s
language. The book is suitable for the general
reader. The reader does not need a theology degree. It
demystifies the doctrine of the Trinity. The book also engages at a scholarly level,
but is readable to the non-specialist.
The Christian reader should feel empowered to
defend the doctrine of the Trinity with confidence. It is intended that pastors
be able to employ the book’s message, so an easy-to-use guide is provided for
giving congregations plain teaching on the Trinity. Straightforward sections set
out how the Trinity can be taught simply. The ordinary person is provided with
an accessible biblical understanding of the Trinity and the pastor is more equipped
for teaching about it.
This book has theological, practical and
spiritual implications. God in 3D provides a properly integrated view of the work of Christ and the Holy
Spirit in the church. It includes chapters devoted to a practical approach to
Christian spirituality. It is for Christians who want to connect belief to
spiritual practice, with a dedicated section on exploring Trinitarian
spirituality, based on the book’s theme. The reader is given a practical way of
incorporating Trinitarian thinking into their devotions and their understanding
of the faith - the Christian spiritual life is enriched by knowing God, his
Name and his Glory, the Holy Trinity.
The second half progresses onto an assessment of the Trinitarian creeds in the light of
this book’s message. An understanding of the temple-dwelling
Trinity sheds light on the classic church creeds.
In all, the reader will find here a clear
scriptural demonstration of the Trinity. This is a joined-up demonstration in both Old and New Testaments. We see how the disciples were
primed by Scripture, and prepared by Jesus, to believe in the Trinity in
language of their time. And recent scholarship in temple theology and Name
theology is included to validate the argument.
Discussion of the Trinity has often been
hampered by impenetrable language and out-of-date apologetics, and this book will put something
fresh and helpful in people’s hands.
Buying direct from Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/God-3D-Finding-Trinity-Fathers/dp/1532681216/